Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The times, they are a changin'!

For a long time we've all been saying that the world seems to be changing every day.  That is more so the case in the real estate industry.  Twenty years ago Realtors(R) were the gatekeepers of information.  If Ken and Barbie wanted to buy a home they'd sit down with a Realtors(R) and we'd open up our magic MLS listing books and show what was available.  Today, Ken and Barbie have access to more real estate information than many real estate professionals know is out there.  What's missing is knowledge.  What does this information mean?  How do I use this information to my advantage?  How do I actually get myself into this wonderful home that I found online?  This is where the real estate professional of today shines.  We've been through the process many times.  For the most part, Realtors(R) know the pitfalls and the shortcuts.  Many can provide invaluable information on homes long before you think about making that offer.

The world is changing and it's moving fast.  It's almost impossible to keep up with everything.  I read sometime ago that in the coming years the most valuable commodity out there will be trust.  There is no way anyone can know everything about everything we need to know to live our lives.  We have to know who we can trust in those areas that we just don't know.  Find someone who knows and trust him or her.

Well, that's it for now.  More another time, but let me know if there's anybody out there.  Drop me an email at Rick@CoughlinHomes.com or comment here.  Also, don't forget to check out my web site at http://www.coughlinhomes.com/

1 comment:

  1. Rick, we were glad to be able to trust you with the purchase of our first house! Yes, we saw lots online, but you taught us a lot we didn't know. Thanks!
